Visit the Rohingya

I lately had the chance to visit some of the Rohingya communities in Malaysia. Together with our Rohingya partner, we delivered food for some of the people most in need. It was wonderful to see that despite their incredible hardship, these people still carry so much joy, spirit and optimism.

To learn more about the Rohingya crisis, watch this VICE documentary: [button url=”” color=”red” size=”small” type=”square” icon=”camera” target=”_blank”] YouTube [/button]

Through our recently created Rohingya Support Association, we try to support the Rohingya on their path to a better and free life. Have a look here: [button url=”” color=”blue” size=”small” type=”square” icon=”link” target=”_blank”] Azadi [/button]

Dez 2016

Views: 2888

Oil, rice, vegetables, fruits